Tree people touch trees. Tree touchers have an innate understanding about natural systems. Tree people understand the basics of business. I am trying to add the third part to complete the circle. Once tree people begin to understand how the tree system works, they will be the ones who develop the best practices for working on the trees.
-Alex Shigo
Important Articles
"Do You Want Sugar With Your Tree?" by Glynn C. Percival and Miss Kelly Noviss
"The Use Of Surface Treatments For The Prevention Of Soil Compaction During Site Construction" by John M. Lichter and Patricia A. Lindsey
"Specifying Soil Volumes To Meet The Water Needs Of Mature Urban Street Trees and Trees In Containers" by Patricia Lindsey and Nina Bassuk
"Comparison of Method to Reduce Sidewalk Damage from Tree Roots" by E. Thomas Smiley
"Urban Trees and Associated Root Problems, Part One" by Steve Batchelder and Molly Batchelder
"Urban Trees and Associated Root Problems, Part Two"
"Urban Trees and Associated Root Problems, Part Three"
"Put Your Chainsaws Away" by Molly Batchelder
Organizations and Additional Information
The International Society of Arboriculture
California Urban Forest Council
University of California Cooperative Extension
California Irrigation Management Information
The Urban Tree Foundation's Guideline Specifications For Nursery Tree Quality
Accessing and understanding soil data is essential to the tree planting process
The Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute. Go to SelecTree for a comprehensive list of trees and their attributes
Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program
Wallace Laboratories provide soil samples
California Native Plant Society
680 Tree Fact Sheets by Edward Gilman and Dennis Watson
Recommended Reading
Modern Arboriculture- A Systems Approach To The Care Of Trees And Their Associates, by Alex Shigo
A New Tree Biology- Facts, Photos, And Philosophies On Trees And Their Problems And Proper Care, by Alex Shigo
Stupsi Explains The Tree- A Hedgehog Teaches The Body Language Of Trees, by Claus Mattheck
The Body Language Of Trees- A Handbook For Failure Analysis, by Claus Mattheck and Helgo Breloer